Registration form

Here you have the opportunity to (if desired) anonymously report violations in the company to the management (whistleblower protection act).

Please note:

  • The recipient of the WEGU Group is Ms. Brigitte Goldberg (
  • If not sent anonymously, you will receive a confirmation within 7 days stating that your information has been received.
  • If not sent anonymously, you will be informed of any follow-up measures taken within 3 months.
  • As mentioned above, you can also send the notice anonymously, without providing personal data such as your name or e-mail address. In this case, we will not be able to inform you about the receipt or follow-up measures.

Would you like to use the external reporting office of the Federal Office of Justice?
Click here to go to the homepage “External Reporting Office (Federal Office of Justice Conciliation Procedure)” (Federal Office of Justice Conciliation Procedure).